Thursday, 12 November 2015

Artist workshop Thursday 12th November

In today's lesson following our art trip we did a workshop analysing Mat Collishaw's work.

The piece that we analysed was 'Insecticide 24
we began by creating a list of words to describe the piece after studying it for a little while.
We then split them up into literal and metaphorical words to describe the piece.
Following this we wrote three statements one showing the piece in a literal sense, another giving the piece a possible metaphorical meaning and finally what media we would use to recreate this.
Mine were:
.Literal - this piece shows the beauty of death through his use of colour and contrast.
Metaphorical - symbolising how the death of people is beautiful from the right perspective.
Media - I would use acrylic for the bright colours, oil pastels for the subtle colours and a black fabric for the background as your canvas, smoother texture as it gets the other media to to be the focus of texture.
Once we had done these we had other people from around the room give small improvements and change it slightly showing there opinion on this. By doing this myself on others work I found that there were many different interpretations of this one piece and how it effects everyone differently.

I found this workshop helpful as it got me to look at Mat Collishaw's work from another perspective and to appreciate it for a whole new reason

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