Thursday, 26 November 2015

Artist research week

Roman Yang

'Third eye mind' (2009) Acrylic and oil on canvas
I was drawn towards this piece as I found the use of colour captivating how it fades from the bright and vibrant red to the burnt orange that fades into the white. the colours could be representing the love and anger we see everyday in our lives and the large white holes could be to show how it can tear us apart and leave us empty. the use of black could be symbolic for the hatred that is born from all the anger and how it slowly creeps in and takes over us, the way it overpowers the red and the white could be to show how it destroys who we are to leave nothing but pain in its wake.
Found at: and in the juxtapox magazine

Raymond Pettibon

'Day 23' (2004) water colour
I was drawn to this art piece as I love the way in which they used the colours in a simplistic way yet from a distance it almost looks real. the greens could be to show how nothing is pure and how we all have imperfections that the world can see. the yellow could be to show the joy that comes when you accept and look past those imperfections no matter how large or obvious they are.the words could be representative of how in life we see perfect things but let them pass us by.

Found in juxtapoz magazine and the image was taken from:


Air brush 'Untitled' 
I like this one as I have always been a fan of graphics work and I also like how the tones gradually change. the use of the spark plug could be to represent how we all have ideas in all of us and it just takes one spark for them to become a reality.
Found in Juxtapoz magazine and image was taken from: 

Andrew chase 

More information on his work can be found here:

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