Monday, 1 February 2016

Workshop With Foundation Students

We were split into groups and given the task to create pieces that could relate to our theme using the works of Nel Ten Wolde. The group I was in contained 4 foundation students and myself along with 5 other AS students.

My first study was of the ikon Birmingham and I used this source on A4 to create this piece along with some charcoal and pencil marks to create what I thought was a little too dull. I feel that to improve I must add some colour to this piece of items in the future.

I then went onto then do this piece and decided to use some colour to try and improve on the technique of my previous one. I went about this by using oil pastels to create my marks.

After doing the two previous pieces we compared work as a class the foundation students asked us to attempt another piece but this time on a larger scale and the piece I created I find very effective and the bright colours contrast with the dark background. I feel that this piece is more successful than my other two pieces as I culminated the best bits of each and what I learnt from them to create this. 

From this workshop I have learnt other ways to incorporate colour into my work and how to use contrast more to my advantage to create stronger compositions and more impacting pieces. I found this session helpful as their experience and skills helped me develop my own art skills and also how I will interoperate any future artists work.

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